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[摘要]第三節(jié) 3 事實的邏輯圖畫就是思想。 The logical picture of the facts is the thought. 3.01 所有真的思想的總和就構成了整個現(xiàn)實世界一幅圖畫。 T...
3 事實的邏輯圖畫就是思想。
The logical picture of the facts is the thought.
3.01 所有真的思想的總和就構成了整個現(xiàn)實世界一幅圖畫。
The totality of true thoughts is a picture of the world.
3.02 ......所有能被想象的也是可能的。
......What is thinkable is also possible.
3.03 我們不能想象出不合邏輯的東西,因為那樣一來我們將不得不進行不合邏輯的思維。
We cannot think anything unlogical,for otherwise we should have to think unlogically.
小結3: 3 主要說明 --- 我們的思想也是以上述圖畫方式來反映客觀世界的
4 思想是有意義的命題
The thought is the significant proposition.
4.01 命題是現(xiàn)實的圖畫。 命題是我們想象的現(xiàn)實的模型。
The proposition is a picture of reality.
The proposition is a model of the reality as we think it is.
4.1 一個命題給出了一個原子事實的存在或是不存在。
A porposition presents the existence and non-existence of atomiac facts.
4.11 真命題的總體就是整個自然科學
The totality of true propositions is the total natural science.
4.112 哲學的目標就是澄清思想。
The object of philosophy is the logical clarification of thoughts.
Philosophy is not a theory but an activity.
A philosophy work consists essentially of elucidations.
The results of philosophy is not a number of "philosophy propositions",
but to make propositions clear.
4.113 哲學劃定自然科學可以爭論的范圍。
Philosophy limits the disputable sphere of natural science.
4.114 它應該劃定什么是可思考的,因而也就劃定了什么是不可思考的。
It should limit the unthinkable and thereby the unthinkable.
4.115 它將清楚地指出什么是可以言說的,從而也就指出了什么是不可言說的。
It will mean the unspeakable by clearly displaying the speakable.
4.116 凡是可以被思考的,都可以被清楚地思考;
Everything that can be thought at all can be thought clearly.
Everything that can be said can be said clearly.
小結4: 4 主要說明 --- 詳細介紹了思想如何借助邏輯來反映世界;
5 命題是基本命題的真值函數(shù)
Propositions are truth-functions of elementary propositions.
5.6 我的語言的極限就是我的世界的極限
The limits of my language mean the limits of my world.
5.6.1 邏輯充滿整個世界: 世界的極限也就是邏輯的極限所在
Logic fills the world: the limits of the world are also its limits.
我們無法思考的東西,我們就不能思考: 因此我們不能說出我們無法思考的東西。
What we cannot think,that we cannot think;we cannot therefore say What we cannot think.
5.6.3 我即是世界。(小宇宙)
I am the world。(microcosm)
說明: 吾心即是宇宙。 :-)
小結5: 5 主要說明 --- 進一步闡明了作者的邏輯原子主義立場
6.41 世界的意義必定存在于世界之外。
The sense of the world must lie outside the world.
6.42 因而也就沒有什么倫理學命題。
Hence also there can be no ethical propositions.
6.421 顯然倫理學是無法表述的。 倫理學是超越現(xiàn)實的。 (倫理學和美學是一樣的)
It is clear that ethics cannot be expressed.
Ethics is transcendental. (Ethics and aesthetics are one.)
6.432 世界如何存在,是與更高級的東西毫不相干的;上帝并不在世界中顯現(xiàn)。
How the world is ,is completely indifferent for what is higher;
God does not reveal himself in the world.
6.44 世界如何存在,并不神秘;神秘的是它的存在本身。
Not how the world is ,is the mystical,but it is.
6.52 我們感到即便是所有的自然科學問題都被解答了,生活的意義仍然未被觸及絲毫。
We feel that even if all possible scientific questions be answered,then
the problem of life have still not been touched at all. Of course there
is then no question left,and just this is the answer.
6.521 生活的意義問題的解決辦法就是消除該問題。
The solution of the problem of life is seen in the vanishing of this problem.
6.522 實際上存在著不可表達的東西;這顯示了它的存在;它是神秘的。
There is indeed the inexpressible。 This shows itself;it is the mystical.
說明: 生活的意義是什么? 這個問題在維特根斯坦看來是不可言說的,是無法用現(xiàn)實世界的事實去實證的,因而是無意義的問題,應予以消除。
6.53 哲學的正確方法應該是這樣的。 除了能夠說的東西之外——如自然科學的命題,即與哲學無關的問題——什么都不說;然后當某人想說出一些形而上的東西時,向他指出它的命題中存在著一些毫無意義的符號。 這方法可能不太令人滿意——他會感到我們不是在教他哲學——但這是唯一嚴格的正確方法。
The right method of philosophy would be this. To say nothing except what can be said,i.e. the propositions of natural science,i.e. something that have nothing to do with pilosophy: and then always,when someone else wished to say something metaphysical,to demonstrate to him that he has given no meaning to certain signs in his rpopositions. This method would be unsatisfying to the other---he would not have the feeling that we are teaching him philosophy---but it would be the only strictly correct method.
6.54 我的觀點是以這種方式表明的:最終真正理解了我的觀點的人,當他通過它們,越過它們并高于它們的時候。會發(fā)現(xiàn)它們是毫無意義的,(這樣說吧,他必須在爬過梯子之后將其扔掉)
My propositions are elucidatory in this way: he who understands me finally recognises them as senseless,when he has climbed out through them,on them,over them.
(He must so to speak throw away the ladder,after he has climbed up on it)
小結6: 6 主要說明 --- 闡明了作者的哲學觀
哲學的正確方法應該是這樣的。 除了能夠說的東西之外----什么都不說;
7 對于那些不可言說的,必須保持沉默。
Whereof one cannot speak,thereof one must be silent.
《邏輯哲學論》一書,先是開門見山地提出了作者作為一個"邏輯原子論"者的世界觀。 然后作者進而提出了自己對哲學及哲學研究方法的見解。最后略帶神秘氣息的點睛之句結束:
。澜缈梢苑纸鉃槭聦 ( The world divides into facts.)
。聦嵤怯稍邮聦(atomic facts)組成的。
。獙ο笫呛唵蔚(基本的) The Object is simple。
即: 世界---事實----原子事實----對象,這就是我想指出的《邏輯哲學論》中的 OO。
請看后續(xù)文章《OO,OO之后,及其極限 5----OO之后是什么?》,及《OO,OO之后,及其極限 6------最后的極限》