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[摘要]執(zhí)行托放操作定義了treeview 顯示得內容以后,現在你應該準備處理如何四處移動元素了,大多數得開發(fā)人員在處理拖放操作時得通用觀念都是很相似得,無論使用visual c++ visual basic 或者任何一種.net 語言,所以我一直用下面的四個方法處理這個操作:MouseDown-----...
定義了treeview 顯示得內容以后,現在你應該準備處理如何四處移動元素了,大多數得開發(fā)人員在處理拖放操作時得通用觀念都是很相似得,無論使用visual c++ visual basic 或者任何一種.net 語言,所以我一直用下面的四個方法處理這個操作:
DragOver ---用戶拖動選中得項目經過另一個項目
1. 你如何使treeview 控件中的一個節(jié)點和底層xml文檔中的節(jié)點進行匹配
2. 為了物理節(jié)點能夠跟隨圖形進行轉換,用戶如何操作xml文檔
3. 你如何有效地執(zhí)行大的xml文檔。如果這樣的轉變要不得不加強時,你不想把沒有必要的東西綁定到用戶界面
A TreeNode's position maps to an XML node using an XPath query.
Private Sub XmlTreeView_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As _
System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles MyBase.MouseDown
' First check whether we've clicked on a node in the tree view; if not,
' just return
Dim pt As New Point(e.X, e.Y)
drag_node = Me.GetNodeAt(pt)
If drag_node Is Nothing Then Return
' Highlight the node and build an xpath query so that we can remove it later
xpath_remove_query = buildXPathQuery(drag_node)
Me.SelectedNode = drag_node
' Decide whether we're going to perform an intra-folder rearrangement (right
' mouse button) or a genuine drag-and-drop (left mouse button);
' we do this in the MouseDown rather than DragEnter method, since by the time
' DragEnter fires, the mouse may well have been dragged to a different node
If e.Button = System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Right Then
right_mouse_drag = True
right_mouse_drag = False
End If
End Sub
Private Function buildXPathQuery(ByVal node As System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode) As String
Dim query As String = ""
query = "*[" & xpath_filter & "][" & (node.Index + 1) & "]/" & query
node = node.Parent
Loop While Not (node Is Nothing)
Return query.Substring(0, query.Length - 1)
End Function
顯示了MouseDown 句柄 和它調用的幫助方法buildXPathQuery,首先代碼檢查一個被選中的節(jié)點,接著通過使用事先定義好的篩選, 存儲TreeNode (drag_node) 和使它關聯到xml文檔根節(jié)點的Xpath 查詢(xpath_remove_query)。 例如下面的查詢確定了樹的根節(jié)點的第二個孩子有五個孩子文件夾,一個文件夾可以用查詢"attribute::id." 唯一確定
當用戶拖動一個節(jié)點到另外一個位置時,代碼列表1提供了移動treenode 和treenode相關聯的xmlNode的足夠信息。你也許認為你能夠得到相同的效果,而完全沒有必要引用篩選,并且簡單的指定像“托動文檔根節(jié)點的第二個孩子到第一個孩子節(jié)點內部”這樣的事情,但是這里不是你認為的那樣,應該是篩選器強迫treeview 的節(jié)點層次和xml文檔一一對應的,沒有了它 ,這樣的直接使用可能是不明智的,例如假設篩選器匹配下面的結構:
<email />
<city />
<country />
這樣的約束意味著Xpath 篩選器將contacts.xml的層次作為一個簡單的子元素列表看待
[0] <contacts>
[0] <contact="Alex">
[1] <contact="Rebekah">
[2] <contact="Justin">
然而,treeview 將相同的文檔看作一個節(jié)點的層次列表
[0] <contacts>
[0] <contact="Alex">
[0] <email>
[1] <city>
[2] <country>
[1] <contact="Rebekah">
只要聯系點從不和另一個聯系點嵌套,你就能保持treeview 和 xml文檔保持同步而沒有必要求助于篩選器,例如 如果你想交換"Alex"和"Rebekah"聯系點入口,你可以很容易的這么做:
指令: 移除 node[0], child[0];在node[0], child[0]之后重新插入它
treeview: 移除叫做"Alex"的"contact"節(jié)點,在叫做"Rebekah" 的"contact"節(jié)點之后從新插入它
xml文檔:移除叫做"Alex"的"contact"節(jié)點,在叫做"Rebekah" 的"contact"節(jié)點之后從新插入
但是嵌套的contacts,相同的指令會引起TreeView表示和xml文檔表示對不準。例如 假設你試圖移動在下面treeview表示中嵌套的"Rebekah":
[0] <contacts>
[0] <contact="Alex">
[0] <contact="Rebekah">
[1] <contact="Justin">
[0] <contacts>
[0] <contact="Alex">
[0] <contact="Rebekah">
[1] <contact="Justin">
一個對treeview 表現真正有意義的指令沒有必要和xml文檔執(zhí)行相通的工作:
指令:Remove node[0], child[0], child[0]
treeview: Remove "contact" node called "Rebekah"
我們可以借助一個篩選器,篩選器應該能夠用離散的實體區(qū)分contacts,而不是通過簡單的樹節(jié)點的路徑進行區(qū)分。這樣你就沒有必要在擔心如何contact "Rebekah"放到它的父節(jié)點”alex”內部的正確位置了,因此你就可以保證自己的安全設置
假設一個用戶決定要拖動其中一個contact,下一步就是對用戶操作的內容給予反饋,一個DragEnter檢測操作被拖動的項目是一個treeview 節(jié)點,然后記錄發(fā)生的拖拉操作。對于一個想要執(zhí)行它自己的應用程序來說這個控制又很大的用處。因此變量drag_drop_active作為DragDropActive的屬性直接公開
private void XmlTreeView_DragEnter(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.DragEventArgs e)
// Allow the user to drag tree nodes within a
// tree
if (e.Data.GetDataPresent(
"System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode", true ))
e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Move;
drag_drop_active = true;
e.Effect = DragDropEffects.None;
Private Sub XmlTreeView_DragEnter( _
ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DragEventArgs) _
Handles MyBase.DragEnter
' Allow the user to drag tree nodes within a tree
If e.Data.GetDataPresent( _
"System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode", True) Then
e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Move
drag_drop_active = True
e.Effect = DragDropEffects.None
End If
End Sub
Private Sub XmlTreeView_DragOver(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
System.Windows.Forms.DragEventArgs) Handles MyBase.DragOver
' Fired continuously while a tree node is dragged. We need to override this to
' provide appropriate feedback
If e.Data.GetDataPresent("System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode", True) Then
' Determine which node we are dragging over
Dim pt As Point = Me.PointToClient(New Point(e.X, e.Y))
Dim drop_node As TreeNode = Me.GetNodeAt(pt)
' If it's the same as the one we last dragged over, take no further action
If drop_node Is last_drop_node Then
End If
' Otherwise highlight the node as a potential drop target
Me.SelectedNode = drop_node
last_drop_node = drop_node
' If the drop node and drag node are the same, indicate that the drag is
' disallowed and take no further action (as per Explorer)
If drag_node Is drop_node Then
e.Effect = DragDropEffects.None
End If
If right_mouse_drag Then
' Right mouse drag-and-drop operations constitute intra-folder
' rearrangements which provide continuous graphical feedback
' We need to cache the drop node's parent, since it will
' be inaccessible if we remove it from the tree
Dim drop_parent As TreeNode = drop_node.Parent
' Check if it's at the same level as the node being dragged
If drag_node.Parent Is drop_parent Then
' Temporarily remove the drop node's siblings from the tree; then add
' them back in a different order
Dim siblings(drop_parent.Nodes.Count) As System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode
Dim count As Integer = siblings.Length - 1
Dim item As Integer
For item = 0 To count - 1
siblings(item) = drop_parent.Nodes(0)
For item = 0 To count - 1
If siblings(item) Is drop_node Then
If siblings(item) Is drag_node Then
End If
End If
' Highlight the new node
last_drop_node = drag_node
e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Move
Me.SelectedNode = drag_node
e.Effect = DragDropEffects.None
End If
' If the user is left-button dragging, disallow (pointless) attempts
' to drag a node into its parent's folder (as per Explorer)
If drag_node.Parent Is drop_node Then
e.Effect = DragDropEffects.None
e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Move
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
出于執(zhí)行效率的原因,代碼首先檢查自從上次調用dragover 以后被拖動的文件是否發(fā)生了變化,如果發(fā)生了變化,代碼接著判斷處理中的拖動類型。以前我必須允許用戶最后可以重新排序和設置層次,我在這里選擇類似windows的行為(只要它被定義),在其他的地方使用我的方案。因此讓用戶使用左鍵復制或者移動文件夾是很不自然的,我們應該讓用戶使用右鍵進行處理文件夾的操作。然而這樣做會產生一個小問題,因為這兩個拖動將會用不同的方法進行處理:左鍵的拖動直到拖動結束時,而右鍵拖動將不斷的反饋狀態(tài),即使不斷的拖動,直到用戶松開鼠標的按鍵前,文檔不發(fā)生物理位置上的改變
既然這樣,代碼檢查被拖動的節(jié)點是否是節(jié)點的兄弟節(jié)點,如果是的話,父節(jié)點的所有子節(jié)點被從樹中分離出來,然后進行拖放操作交換節(jié)點位置,然后再把這些子節(jié)點添加回去。結果是:釋放操作完成時,底層數據源根據當前的可視化表達方式進行更新,隱藏的底層數據和數據的可視化表達就可以保持同步。更好的處理方法是:不斷的顯示更新操作,因此用戶可以立刻得到關于拖動的反饋,xml文檔只需在拖動完成時更新一次。鼠標左鍵的拖放操作不需要特殊的代碼,drag/drop API 可以適當的處理反饋.
用戶通過松開鼠標鍵來完成拖放操作, 參考下面的代碼列表3
Listing 3. XMLTreeView_DragDrop and Helper Methods:
The XMLTreeView_DragDrop and its helper swapXmlDocumentNodes methods provide logic to decide where a node belongs among its siblings
Private Sub XmlTreeView_DragDrop(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As _
System.Windows.Forms.DragEventArgs) Handles MyBase.DragDrop
' Cancel drag/drop
drag_drop_active = False
' Check that we are dropping nodes within the same tree view
If e.Data.GetDataPresent("System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode", True) = False Then
End If
' If it's a right-mouse drag-and-drop operation, the tree view will already
' show the updated hierarchy; so it's just a matter of updating the xml
' document to match the tree view
If right_mouse_drag Then
drag_node = Nothing
last_drop_node = drag_node
xpath_remove_query = ""
' Determine which node we are dropping onto
Dim pt As Point = Me.PointToClient(New Point(e.X, e.Y))
Dim drop_node As TreeNode = Me.GetNodeAt(pt)
' Do nothing if the drag and drop target are the same node
If drag_node Is drop_node Then
End If
If drop_node Is Nothing Then
' Don't allow the user to drag nodes off the tree. Though the tree view
' wouldn't complain, any attempt to create an xml document with 2 roots
' would cause problems
End If
' Add the new node where it was dropped
' And update the xml document to match the new tree view hierarchy
drag_node = Nothing
last_drop_node = drag_node
xpath_remove_query = ""
End If
End Sub
Private Sub swapXmlDocumentNodes()
' This method updates the xml document bound to the tree view so that the two node
' hierarchies are the same; it determines appropriate xpath queries to remove and
' reinsert the node in question by comparing the tree view's structure before and
' after the drag/drop operation took place
Dim node As System.Xml.XmlNode
node = xml_document.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode(xpath_remove_query)
' Create a query to determine where the node should be reinserted
Dim xpath_insert_query As String = buildXPathQuery(drag_node)
' We are only interested in the parent portion of the insert query
xpath_insert_query = xpath_insert_query.Substring(0, xpath_insert_query.LastIndexOf("/"))
Dim insert_parent As System.Xml.XmlNode = xml_document.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode(xpath_insert_query)
If drag_node.Parent.Nodes.Count = 1 Then
' Special case: if as a result of the drag/drop operation some parent without
' previous children gained a child, just add the child to the parent.
' Otherwise we need to insert the child at its appropriate position; XmlNode
' does not have an Index property, so we need to do this by hand
Dim child As Integer
For child = 0 To insert_parent.ChildNodes.Count - 1
If child = drag_node.Index Then
insert_parent.InsertBefore(node, insert_parent.ChildNodes(child))
End If
' If we've reached here, the node to be reinserted must be the last child
End If
End Sub
那樣的話,一些簡單的代碼就可以完成在文檔中移除樹節(jié)點和它相關的文件夾,還可以通過創(chuàng)建適當的Xpath 查詢來在新的位置上重新插入文件夾。需要特別指出的是:當用戶在一個沒有子節(jié)點的文件夾下面插入一個文件夾時,只能通過創(chuàng)建一個新的子節(jié)點來實現。